Tomatoes 2. Pears Nil.

We made the first batch of passata from the many tomato plants. We have a technique now. A well oiled machine (see extras). I thought blight threatened but I may well be wrong.

Meanwhile the hornets (calabrone) are working their way through the pears. They are voracious eaters. Beer traps may be brought into play.

Enjoying watching Ashes to Ashes on the iplayer.

A beautiful cool few days. 15.7c outside as I write. Normal service resumes tomorrow. 30C and rising to 33 next week.

Bought 18 cauliflower plants and two sorts of broccoli. And leek plants - with fleece to hopefully vanquish the leek moth’s depredations. And a few fennel plants. One season hardly ends and the winter season is on us.

Apparently much lamentation for yesterday’s fierce hail devastating olive and vines. The damage here doesn’t look too bad but maybe I’m missing something or maybe my livelihood is not dependant on the crop/s.

We shall see.

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