Country File

By marypot

Friday 39/365

School/preschool run.
Post Office.
Cuppa and snack with a friend in The Forge coffee shop.
Toddler group.
Another friend's house to do preschool committee work.
Pick up Ophelia from preschool.
Back to committee work.
Take this photo of Arwen and Ophelia.
Pick up Grace from school.
Interview with BBC radio reporter about closure of village middle school.
Meeting at village hall to look at and discuss proposed county council development plan for our village.
Home to get swimming gear and pack a snack for tea.
Quick visit to Hubby at work.
Drive to town for Grace's swimming lesson.
Petrol station.
Chinese takeaway to grab dinner.
Post Blip.

Arwen has struggled to get to sleep this evening. Probably her mind being overloaded with all those stimuli and different experiences today, and no naps in her own bed. As for me? Zzzzzzzzzzzzz........

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