Country File

By marypot

Chocolate Cake

If you're going to eat chocolate cake, you need to do it properly - i.e. get as messy and sticky as possible, as Ophelia ably demonstrates here.
Strange sort of day. Mixed. The folks who built and run this estate once again proved to be incredibly incompetent and left me in tears and Hubby enraged earlier. They've told us the sooted up chimney is our fault so we have to sort it out. We argued it isn't, so have to wait for final decision and in the meantime got no fire and using über expensive yet pretty ineffectual electric heating to try and keep the baby warm in sub zero temperatures. They found a nail in our grate from one of two or three logs we burned that were obviously unsuitable, before stopping using them. We had the fire serviced and completely cleaned out in November so those few logs, say the powers that be, have apparently have been enough to cause a soot build up, stop the regular hardwood logs we have from burning properly and caused the flue to belch smoke fumes through it, the metal box and the plaster into our upstairs bedroom where Arwen sleeps. Yeah right! I think that is insert word beginning with B and ending in cks...
The fact that there have been three chimney fires in the past three months in the 18 houses here with log burners in addition to our problem means nothing then?! They have 'no evidence' the others burned anything unsuitable so their fires are being cleaned and repaired for free. Something is seriously wrong with the running of this place!!!
*Rant Over*
Apart from that it has been a very pleasant day. Arwen and I went to our first of four baby massage classes and then a friend and her little one from the class came back to our place for lunch and the aforementioned chocolate cake. It's a Hummingbird Bakery recipe that I hadn't made before, but I don't think I will go back to baking regular chocolate cake again after sampling it!
38/365 completed!

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