Friday meeting on the Lusangazi Farm

As many as the staff as can, meet each Friday to discuss progress and plan the next week. I am sometimes in awe of this group ,with little formal education, and how they can conduct their affairs. There is of course a common misconception that Africans are pretty stupid and that that white people or at least white bureaucrats have to, essentially, do everything for them.
Nothing could be further from the truth: they could and will cope without the aid business which in most cases is holding them back. Few white people would manage to exist for a week in the same conditions.
5 years ago we started this farm, with little skills and less information. We have learned together. Now we sell seeds to an arm of Ministry, we use no GM crops and we produce our own fertilizer and pesticides. We are green, sustainable and productive and very proud of it.
From left in the pic are Joyce who is deaf, Mary Mwanza, with us from day 1, Martha, Benidicto, the pest control chemist, Wezzie, the newcommer, Dave in charge of planting, Chrissie in charge of seeds and harvesting, and Mary.
Research and training are ongoing and now we have over 110 plants growing.

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