Trip out to Grange-over-grass

M had an appointment in Grange.Stopped to walk F at AH , everywhere still very damp because ( despite the forecast saying no rain ) it did rain this morning.  

Grey clouds loomed over us when we arrived  but in the end it stayed dry. It's a while since weve been there . The park is looking rather sad and overgrown but there are some amazing trees. 

Fletch and I wandered along the prom , which is looking lovely with all the flowers . What was once a sandy beach is now thick grass. I remember how hard they tried to stop the grass growing years ago but to no avail. As I thought it was going to rain I left the DSLR at home. I took a few shots with the phone but it was very overcast. We walked out across the grass as far as the sea . . It looks like it is now a popular area to walk dogs, so Fletch had lots of sniffs. 

Blip is of a carving of a duck in amongst the flower beds which caught my eye.

As we walked back I realised it had become very warm. Glad I remembered to take water for Fletch 

 I met up with M and we aimed for Butterfingers for apple pie and icecream.. but the empty tables I'd noticed outside a few minutes earlier were full. 

So en route home we called at Cafe Ambio . There wasnt a queue . No scones left but the cake was nice. Very pleasant sat in the sun at our socially  distanced table. 

Then " as we are passing" we called in the new M& S food hall. Almost full car park . We squeezed in a space and donned our masks. 
I cant say I was impressed. The place is dark and gloomily lit compared to the one in Barrow and quite  claustrophobic. There seemed to be more fruit and veg but otherwise not a great deal more of other stuff or anything particularly new. But we found enough to fill our basket . 

Back home I felt quite tired but then I'd be on the go since I got up. The sun came out so I'm sat in the garden  out of the breeze ( mostly) Fletch is curled up asleep next to me. Hes had a busy day too.

The first time weve had a nice trip out since February. ( I dont count our flying trip to Bowness)

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