Cause and effect

Newton's Cradle - Dad had a decent sized one of these when we were kids - had some real weight in the balls (so to speak) and so it would continue with it's motion patterns for a while. This one's not so good...doesn't last that long - small balls you see!!!

the pics that didn't make it from today (3 of them! I left them out - must be picking on them)

Cause and effect - a concept that some of the young people that I work with don't seem to 'get'. I don't know whether its the weather ...high winds send the kids doolally - but some of the youngsters have been somewhat off the wall this week. One year group yesterday were extremely unsettled in assembly, so as a result, they had a second assembly this afternoon, with their head of year and the Headteacher giving them the hard line in terms of expectations etc. Prior to that, a student from the same year group had to be removed from a lesson, and isolated, because he had told a member of staff to "f" off. Apparently it wasn't his fault...he can't control himself! He WANTED to be sent home, so I didn't oblige him...he wanted to avoid serving a detention after school...! I escorted him to the assembly and stayed for the duration to ensure that he didn't leggit at the end.

Towards the end of the asembly, I instructed another student to wear his tie correctly and tuck his shirt in, as per the instructions in assembly. He tutted at me and pulled a face - HOW BLOODY DARE I ASK A STUDENT TO DO SOMETHING SO DREADFUL! I removed him - his parents are in on monday morning.

I went back to the assembly to check on the other cherub and went in to find him sat chatting to another student when clearly he should have been sat in silence. I instructed him to stop talking to which he shouted at me "leave me alone" ...blah blah....picking on me ...blah blah...."pecking my head"....I told him I would most definitely not leave him alone, because until he learned to do as he was asked and behave appropriately, then he would be challenged and there would be consequences etc etc. At which point he got in my face and told me to "F" off as front of 3 other members of staff - so plenty of reliable witnesses. He then left the room, flinging the door open with plenty of drama and shouted "and I am not coming back either". Yes - you know what we all thought!

Shortly afterwards he was found in the entrance hall ...chatting with his mates, so I told him to leave the premises, and escorted him out. Another member of staff was walking with me, and as this child got out of the gates he shouted back at me "daft bitch" at the top of his voice.

Cause and effect - behave badly, serious consequence this case, likely to be very serious. Silly boy.

On a positive note, I got my final piece of coursework in off year 11 today, with a bit of teamwork from me, the student in question and another student in the group who is tired of waiting for confirmation of his grade, which he couldn't get until all the work was between us we hunted around the student's user area and found enough work and told him what needed doing...and we got it done! And bless him - he shook the other lad's hand and said he really appreciated the help in getting him organised.

So you see, the youth of today aren't all bad fact most of them are pretty good. Which is why the one's that DON'T get that there is an acceptable way to behave towards others have to be dealt with, because it just isn't fair on the other students to have their time in school disrupted and spoiled, nor is it fair on the staff to put up with know schools are one of the only 'public sector' services in the UK that do not put signs up or have any sort of policy relating to the verbal abuse of staff...because it appears that its OK if a child does it to an adult!

Am off to have a bath and listen to Andrea Bocelli !

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