A Sunday Carvery

Showers this morning, but cleared into a warm sunny day.  There has been the odd cloud, and breezy. 

Up early, and had breakfast with mam and dad in the caravan.  We headed out for a run in the car, before lunch.  Packed up the caravan and headed home this afternoon.  Popped along Madeline's on the way.  Mostly a quiet night on the sofa, but did head out walkies with friend Julie and the dogs.

We headed to Hillswick for lunch.  The Sunday carvery has started up again today, first time since lockdown.  It was busy, with locals from across Shetland coming to support.  My first meal out since lockdown too.  Plenty of space between tables, and great measures in place to keep all safe.  I had chicken and beef, along with all the trimmings, and it was delicious, finishing with cheesecake.  Always great food and service, especially from owner and family friend Andrea Manson, pictured serving.  Taken in the St Magnus Bay Hotel, Hillswick.  

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