Black Tot Day

Fifty years ago today the daily rum issue to the men of the Royal Navy ceased. I was in the Navy at that time but too young to draw my tot. I did however go to sea for a short stint on HMS Manxman and was able to see the centuries old tradition take place and receive a little of the rum, barely a mouthful, each day for a week!
The abolition of the daily tot was not the end of the rum, there was enough stockpiled to last another two decades, it was issued to Royal Marine units on hazardous duties. In 1983 I joined HMS Vigilant on the N Ireland Squadron and to my surprise the rum was available in its 1 gallon wicker bound stone flagons onboard, there were around six - no one liked it!! A full 1 gallon wicker bound stone flagon of Royal Naval issue rum was worth around £600, in the course of a year draft, (posting), we managed to consume it.

So to today, Joshua set off to a renowned stockist of rum in order to try and get me a bottle to celebrate, on arrival he was spoilt for choice so he got one of each.

Clare, Josh and I set off to where else but the rugby club to meet up with a couple of fellow Naval Veterans and a Royal Marine Veteran to sit in the sun, remember the good times and celebrate with a tot.

“Up Spirits - Stand fast the Holy Ghost”

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