A View To Never Tire Of

Last week when asked what I thought the score might be in the first Boks v Lions Test I said Lions by 3, the Lions won by 5. When asked this week I said Boks by 20, they won by 18. I’ll wait until the teams are announced before deciding on next weeks - but I’m ahead of myself.
Paddy and I set off for our walk, the view out over Boscawen Fields always makes me pause and look. Ships on the horizon, ships in the bay, yachts and small vessels of every shape and size, paddle boards, kayaks you see them all. What I have notice is no jet skis, that’s a good thing.
Home for a light lunch and then a stroll in flip flops, shorts, 2009 Lions shirt and sun glasses up to the rugby club to meet my rugby mates.
Kick off, I looked at my watch and after 41 minutes they had only played 29 minutes of rugby, this time keeping must be controlled by the breweries!!
Having ordered burrito’s to be delivered, Clare, Sam, Josh and Tiana accompanied by Oaddy arrived for the second half. Only Josh and Tiana came in for a beer.
It proved to be a long day.

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