Woody Woodpecker

I woke up just after 6am, looked outside and it was a beautiful morning, so I decided to go out for a walk while Alan was still asleep.

Just as I left the Shepherd’s hut I saw a bird landing on the fence, and it was a green woodpecker! I’ve always wanted to see one, so was very happy, but where it was it was in the shade and a fair distance away, so the images weren’t great. He flew off so I set off on my walk, only to see him again but this time nicely lit.

I walked around the farm and went to see the horses before heading to the hut for breakfast. Alan has just got up as I got back, and I made scrambled eggs and smoked salmon which we ate outside.

Then we set off for a walk through the fields and into Burnham village where we sat outside a cafe for a drink. We came back to the hut for lunch and sat outside again, before heading back out across the fields in a different direction. The latter walk took us through fields of maize, and then a field of spinach! I’ve never seen spinach growing before and they were in very neat lines.

I’ve walked 11.9 miles in total, and Alan’s done 10.5 so we’re both tired tonight and just chilling with a glass of wine, and a curry for dinner. I think we’ll sleep well tonight!

Happy Saturday!

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