In the frame!

Today I had to go visit the chap in this photo. Last year he did an audio recording of some Galeic songs for the choir I work with. His Gaelic is perhaps the best I have ever heard, very clear and easy to pick up on. As a thank you, the choir wanted to give him something so I suggested a photo perhaps of somewhere that was local to him and I knew just the very person that would have such pictures, my fellow blipper furnacelass. True to her word, she sent me a selection of photos and I have to say I did have some difficulty chosing one as they were all so crisp and sharp and lovely so I did a poll among the family and they all agreed this one as unusual in where it was taken and had lovely colours. Had it framed and today gave it to the good man. I know he looks a bit serious here but he was blown away by the photo and knew exactly where on the wall he was going to put it and being as he is a man of the cloth, I didn't want to shout smile so just took him as he was. He is a very good ~~Gaelic scholar with one if not two phd's but above all he has some amazing stories which I can see I am going to have to visit him a gain to get some more. Thank you furnacelass for the photo and I hope you like the choice of frame .
Happy blipping all

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