Passing the tithe barn

I thought the juxtaposition here was interesting - the three 21st century girls with their Primark bags and purchases walking back to the car park past the 15th century tithe barn. 

Yes, Grandad did the noble thing and went with them to Primark in Carlisle - 'greater love hath no man than this!' And yes, I know it's bad, on ethical, environmental, and goodness knows what other grounds, but these were three very happy girls. 

Meanwhile I went to the hairdresser at last - hurrah!! And Mum and her friend climbed a few peaks. 

The days are full to the brim and the evenings are never ending. It was late when we at last finished the game of Monopoly - amazingly Grandad did not win, Mummy did. 

I'm exhausted and will catch up with everyone at the weekend. 

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