Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Pink Princess: Chloe

I took the pooches to the back yard during the afternoon to give them a few minutes of fresh air and me too. I've spent this day working on materials for the soon arriving new semester.

I have two new online programs being added to the materials I use with my students and a few things have gone rather sideways in getting these programs aligned with my course syllabus and schedule. I won't bother you with the boring details, but the one detail that just boggles my mind is that the textbook rep who convinced me these programs were essential to add to my course has been let go from her position with the publisher because the book company is doing some realigning of its organization. Sheeeeeesh!

Thankfully today I was able to speak with my new book rep and he assured me that we'll have this problem ironed out and all the wrinkles gone before I meet my first two new classes this coming Tuesday and the next two new classes on Thursday.

Stepping into the back yard's fresh air and watching little Chloe soak-up the sunshine was all I needed to put a smile on my face and relax a bit. I'm glad I am not a dog, but I sure am glad I have a dogs in my life.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi, and Max), aka Carol

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