Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Traveling Valentines

This morning I stopped in the grocery store just to get a couple items, AND . . .

I made the mistake of walking past the Valentine display. I was just going to get a couple more heart boxes to give the grandkids. As I was standing there looking through the display I kept thinking of one more person who I could give one to and then one more person I could give one to and pretty soon I had a whole bunch of them. They were 4 for $5.00 so I only spent $10.00. They were much less than the hearts of Godiva chocolate. They will all be fun to give.

I hope my little "envelopes of Valentines" can read a map because today I packaged some of them into a larger envelope, took them to the Post Office, and sent them to a special city named "Valentine" so they could be postmarked from there. They are going to be scattered all across the USA. I hope they find their way and that they do it on time. It's only 1 week till Valentines Day.

I love sending mail; that must be because I love receiving "real" mail. Well, here's another Kooser poem about a map and traveling:


One of the ancient maps of the world
is heart-shaped, carefully drawn
and once washed with bright colors,
though the colors have faded
as you might expect feelings to fade
from a fragile old heart, the brown map
of a life. But feeling is indelible,
and longing infinite, a starburst compass
pointing in all the directions
two lovers might go, a fresh breeze
swelling their sails, the future uncharted
still far from the edge
where the sea pours into the stars.

Ted Kooser
Poet Laureate of the USA, 2004-2006

Gosh, a "heart shaped map" -- wouldn't that be fun!

Good night from Southern California and
Funville which is filled with hearts.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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