A Tale of Two Piers
Over to get the boat across to the pontoon - never an easy place for a quick visit as chat must be had. First up J with big tales of the daring rescue the day before - a young lad fell (jumped?) off middle pier but couldn’t get back up and was left in the water at the foot of those big wooden piles. Corinthians to the rescue whilst the Fire Brigade sensibly carried out a risk assessment. The lad was hauled out and delivered to the firemen to be wrapped in foil, which is what they do.
Then lunch for the SK and myself at our wedding venue, which as you can see, is getting a lick of paint in recognition of the auspiciousness of the occasion. And a very fine lunch we had - if nothing else, the wedding guests should be well happy with burger and chips.
And later, another trip to the Wednesday session hole. Big Phil, MrW and MrT all present. We discussed the Netherlands trip - if we have to quarantine afterwards we decide we’ll all move into F’s house rather than imperil our beloveds. Parrrtteeee!!!!!
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