It’s the end of the world as we know it ...

Wet day.
Went next door and ran the cows we weaned last week out to a field. The calves will stay in an extra few days until the roar is off them.
Back home and spent the rest of the morning performing aerial acrobatics stacking all the shearing pens etc up in the shed rafters out of harms way ready for next year.
Then an afternoon spent closer to the ground , crawling round under and inside the baler pick up reel replacing broken tines ready for when the sun comes out and it’s all systems go.
Down the road tonight, in the rain again ,to feed cattle. From having no grass 6 weeks ago it looks like I might need to top a couple of fields and move cattle around as it has got away from them .
Also noticed that the neighbour across from me down there has started cutting his winter barley since Friday. Even more harvest envy, although the rows of wet straw did help a bit !
Recycling bin day tomorrow so Mrs F made me chuck our my old primary school globe which had a serious attack of rust since been stuck in a shed years ago. Plus half the countries names have changed in the last 40 odd years too !

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