Crichton Castle .....
A day of cattle work .
Spent the morning sorting through the cows we weaned in Friday. They all got a dose of pour on onto their backs to help keep the flies off them . The thinking is that this helps prevent mastitis, which at best causes them pain and the loss of milk production in a portion of their udders, at worst, can lead to death.
Also re tagged ones that had lost ear tags. The heifers that we buy have a certain brand of ear tag and they seem to be bad for losses. It is a legal requirement that all cattle are double tagged , and if we get an inspection we could get fined for any missing tags. Replacing them costs a fair amount every year, but still cheaper than lost subsidy.
Ran the cows out to a field once we were finished.
After lunch the same job next door, but shut the cows back in the shed until tomorrow.
Littlemiss came with me tonight to check the cattle down the road. Was going fine until I heard a combine going somewhere . Then I heard a second one going in the other direction. Bugger. They only sprayed our winter barley with roundup today so it will be at least 10 - 14 days away yet. Double bugger.
Went for a wee detour on the way home to put my mind at rest. Looks like the next door neighbour down the road is cracking on with his winter barley and lots of it baled up behind the combine. Then spotted this lot behind Crichton Castle going full pelt as well. I know ours isn’t ready to cut, but I won’t sleep well tonight now . Triple bugger.
# Harvest Envy
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