Falls Perfectly Without Her Trying....
7. Your name: This is a fun way to get to know each other. Perhaps you could take a photo of a name badge you use for work {or even an old one}, your name on an award you received, or perhaps you can scribble down your name on paper and show us that way?
I was named for my Gran.
My Daughter has my name, but not for me but not the same , but because we liked the Gaelic version of it.
My Gran was born in 1900, I was born in 1964, 1974 and my Toolibelle was born in 1994.
When my gran was alive, she was little, and had set grey hair, and wore a pinny. I don't remember ever seeing her hair when it wasn't set into the regular shape.
Tooli has long straight dark blonde hair. She wears it straight and she wears it curled, and it always look amazing.
I have Bendy Hair. Neither straight nor curled. It straightened when I had Boy, and bounced up again after I had Toolibelle.
When I was little, it was blonde, when I was at school it was red, as I got older in the sun it got darker and darker. And then, it started going grey.
No it's multi-coloured and bendy, and I can't do a thing with it.
And my name means Light.
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