Roly's Life

By Roly

Work space

We had great plans to get up and go running with the friends we were with last night, one of them was my old running partner. I did say that if it was raining I wasn’t going.

Fortunately, it was raining so I stayed in bed until almost 11 watching rubbish telly :-O

After various face mask/cover traumas, I’ve accepted I need to get cracking on making some. The mum of the family The Boy sails with has made a few so I went round to hers for a lesson. After tea I had a go and made 2 for Princess.

I’m feeling motivated to use up my fabric stash so have also washed all the fabric ready to use and drawn up a shopping list for the bits I need to complete 2 patterns. It’s all very exciting.

This evening we’re having a rare fully attended family film night - The Boy is actually sat with us. I haven’t seen him for days except when he appears to eat. He may soon disappear though as I keep reminding (nagging?) to email both his driving instructor and his employer.

Today’s health update - still not much appetite, ears seem normal, still on a steroid buzz but also tired and achy (possibly from lugging boxes of stuff around).

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