Cuteness Overload

How gorgeous is this little one?? He's 1 of 5, and in about 3 weeks he'll be 1 of 6!
Today has been full...starting with an incredibly encouraging prayer Zoom with Emmaus Rd church. Lovely to see some faces we know and love.
Later in the day I was being interviewed for Grand Tribe Ibiza...they're a project that is trying to show another side of Ibiza, so they're interviewing various island people and publishing their story. It was such a lovely time with them - there's an extra of them in the extras. From there I had time with Ricardo and then straight up to Sa Penya to see friends...see extra for Feli's (pictured) 2 big sisters - they know how to strike a pose!
And then from there (Danny had dropped the kids for a sleepover) we headed to a beautiful dinner at a couple's house, he's Ibicencan and she's English...married 50 years this year! We ate under vines (thought of you aA!) and just had a splendid evening. 
Things that also happened today; Danny talking down a guy on a come down, the car breaking again, Stephen taking the kids to the park, beeswax cream making, Danny spending time with Chele in Sa Penya...a full day!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The Emmaus Rd prayer time - just exactly what we needed.
2) Anne and Nigel from Grand Tribe Ibiza - so easy to talk to, so interested and interesting. 
3) Julia and Toni's hospitality, generosity and kindness. 

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