Does it look like a winner??
I planted 2 bags of gladioli corms up on the allotment with the aim of putting them in the gladioli class at the Chudleigh Produce Show, well, that's been cancelled, obviously, so this year will be a year of just seeing how they perform .. Hark at me!!! I cut 3 vibrant rich red stems yesterday for Mum ... she has a vase for gladioli, I don't, so this stem is now standing tall in a used milk container. I guess I will have to seek a vase out before next years show. Mum rang me when I was on the allotment this morning to tell me I'd got a first ... If Mum's happy that's good enough for me. I have'nt worked out how best to photograph it either which why it's on the patio. There are 19 blooms on this one spike. Quite amazing considering I have'nt given it any particular care. I did notice that David, who apparently always wins the gladioli class has tied his flower spikes to canes ... not that I'm spying. No, his are planted in his fruit cage, I was checking on his fruit, blueberries, raspberries, & blackcurrants as sadly we've had a mystery soft fruit thief on our site overnight. Davids fruit untouched, but a neighbours3 redcurrant bushes completely stripped, & my blueberry bushes stripped as well. There are possibly more.
I was on the plot by 7.30am. Nipped up the shop for the newspaper first, compulsory face mask in place. I watered, fed toms, beans, & squash with the latest batch of comfrey tea. Gosh it is smelly. Planted approx 50 leek plants, then headed off to see Maxine, the lady with the farmyard manure. I picked some runner beans. lettuce & courgettes for her. I filled 10 bags, loaded up the car, back to the plot & unloaded. Back to the leeks. I still had plants so prepared another bed. Completely emptied my composter. So good, adding it to the beds. Sowed two rows of carrots. Cut the seed heads of the pot marigold. Emptied the bags of farmyard manure on to empty ground .. ready for refilling. I left the plot at 3.30 this afternoon.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting Flower Friday
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