Just being silly today...

We had a media briefing from our Team Guernsey scheduled for 1pm today and I needed to do some food shopping so I didn’t really have time to go geocaching and get a choice of pics.
I took this one on the way into town and soon had my rucksack filled and headed home. I’d only gone 50 yards or so when I passed my other hairdresser so I decided it was time for after lockdown haircut number 3. 
Once home I made a mug of coffee and had a look to see what was happening in the Facebook world. I saw an interesting uphill 3 hour walk entitled Waking the Dead was taking place on Monday morning so booked a place on that. I know Jackie walks at quite a pace so that might test my fitness...
Happy to hear at the lunchtime briefing that they are not thinking of bringing forward the date of opening our borders so 1 September still the earliest.
The I wanted to make a start on a new crochet blanket and checked out what was on YouTube. I think I’ll try a miss stitch done in the round. I have 4 shades of green so should look OK.
So sorry you just have a daft pic of down the road from home...

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