Trip to The Hospital

Yesterday afternoon I had a phone call from the hospital, my yearly follow up from my hip operation. No face to face appointments but a chat over the phone. They wanted an x ray to check it was still ok. I was asked if I wanted to leave it until after all this but I said I was fine going in. I rang this morning and got an appointment for 2pm. I left home 1.40 pm and was home 2.15pm. Good turn around! Excellent service, no problems at all. Wore my mask, getting used to it and how to wear it so my glasses don't steam up!. Spotted this tree on the corridor and thought it looked beautiful. It has been placed by the Chaplaincy and Spiritual care dept for people to share hopes, thoughts and prayers. Much needed for many at the moment. 
It has rained all day, at least I don't have to water and the garden is looking lush.

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