
By PaulaJ

Something different

Well, it often is with me!

Today we reluctantly left Wanaka and set off for Fox Glacier. We had a wonderful journey through the Haast Pass, with amazing views of both Lake Hawae and Lake Wanaka. Then the valley narrowed and there were high cliffs, waterfalls and bridges over creeks. Quite breathtaking at times.

Finally we reached the West Coast and stopped off a few times to walk on debris-strewn beaches and view rocky outcrops. I love the West Coast, even though it is almost always wet and windy and there are sandflies. Today it was still, but the cloud was low.

One place we stopped at was the Knights Point Lookout. A popular place for looking out over cliffs and rocks. It was here that I came across this flower woven into the growing flax.

Last time we were in New Zealand I went on a flax weaving workshop with a Maori lady. Actually there was only me on this workshop and we had a great time. The first thing I learnt was how to make flowers like these, although I also went on to learn how to do some more complex weaving. So I was fascinated by this bit of weaving in a growing plant. I wondered who had done it and why. So all the lovely views thrown aside . . .

. . . here is the most beautiful piece of weaving in an unlikely place.

When we got to Fox, we went on a walk up to the Glacier itself. We did not have such a good day as Paladian and The Rower did yesterday. There was a lot of low cloud, but the whole area is awesome nevertheless. Some more on our glacier walk is here.

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