
By DramaQueen


What does it all mean?

A Grumpy Person? Well, sometimes yes. Especially when I hear people complaining about having to wear a mask. I can only dream of those days when I wore just ‘a mask’!

Abundance of Gear for Protection? Definitely! My ‘new norm’ I hate that phrase for work comprises of:
Regular uniform
Head covering
Fluid resistant, long sleeved gown
FFP3 mask
And....a fluid resistant mask over the top for good measure.

What it actually means is Aerosol Generating Procedure and in my line of work that’s a huge part of what I do. Unlike dentists, who can take a break from doing treatments by seeing patients for check ups, most of what I do involves water, in vast quantities which (when used through a dental handpiece) generates an aerosol.
Hence the need for all the protective gear
to supposedly protect staff and patients from Covid-19.
IMHO, in dentistry we’ve ALWAYS been way ahead of the game when it comes to infection control. General rule of thumb is to treat EVERYONE as though they have something you wouldn’t want to catch, so some of this seems a bit over the top.
But, better to be safe than sorry ;-)

DQ x

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