Secret Weapon....

In an update to my interview of 7/15, I stopped by the Lake this morning to see how the Lake Ganders' practice session for the upcoming Alternate Olympic Games was going. I was watching a couple of team members working on their breath control when suddenly I saw a big blur shooting by in front of me! It was none other than Speedy Honkers, the fastest swimmer on the team, & the coach's secret weapon. Coach Wilder said that even though he's seen Speedy do this before, he's still always impressed. Known for his quicker-than-the-eye-can-follow starts, Speedy is an inspiration to the rest of the team, who all strive to emulate his technique. "He's a definite asset to the Lake Ganders, and is our hope for a medal this year" said Coach Wilder as he exited the training area. (bottom left). And as he left the water I heard him honk: "It's another great day on a Great Lake"! :))

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