Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Blow up Seattle

I’ve never seen so many blow up boats and floats..and this is only a few blocks around my condo in the small pocket parks on Lake Union.    Usually not here much in the summer, but I suspect this is more than usual…people are looking for outdoor stuff to do.   And this walk was a bit later than usual.   
 Because: Extra :   H was helping our neighbor get all the cut up pieces of his roof deck down from the roof (You might be familiar with this side of the condo by now).. Many of the condo neighbors put an extra deck on their roof deck to make it level and a bit taller,(for the view)  but when it comes time to maintain/paint the roof deck itself, everything  has to be removed…… a terrible job with this heavy fake wood.  …Our solution was just to buy a very high table and chairs.  and paint the garden..No pots.

Another odd thing today was a  zoom “Celebration of Life” for one of the originals at Parker Island.   She and I lived on our sailboats in the early 90s while we were both building our cabins.  A very unique person she and her several partners were…and the end of an era.   Is this Zoom thing how it’s going to be???  It’s so impersonal.  But the slide show and all worked really well.

The other event of the day is for our neighbors on the island to clean out our frig!!    Since we have no idea when if ever we will return, they offered… ugh!   Not as bad as the septic tank he helped clean out and fix when I was there by myself many years ago.   but bad enough!!   ( we sort of left in a hurry in March and can’t bring anything into the US). Lots of bad growing things…we owe and love them!!  They sent photos including this other creature they found dead on the rug.  (other extra)

that’s plenty, too much I know… but I was also looking for more art to copy and saw this picture from the early 90s that seemed to fit my thoughts for the day and that period of time with that friend that died. …We were thinking American Gothic(Grant Wood)  here while on our boat near the top of Vancouver Island.  (back when Americans could sail there!! :-(   )   so I’ve put it on my other journal just for fun….  (don't we need some 'fun"?)

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