Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Hey Ho Hey Ho...its off to work I go!

Having another couple of days being Joyce Grenfell the II with a class of First Graders!

They really do come up with some priceless questions and equally unbelievable statements!

Today, in addition to the timetabled lessons, was their annual photo shoot so were having a huge practice session securing their 'biggest and bestest' smiles!!! A sight to behold!!

There were a lot of extremely 'gappy ones'....think the tooth fairy had been working overtime this week...but no doubt mums and dads, grannys, grandads, aunties and uncles....will all be delighted with the end results!

Science...amongst other things, was part of today's curriculum....and their little brain cells were 'well engaged'. Think there will be no shortage of budding scientists for the future....wending their way out of the ME region if their enthusiasm was anything to go by.

Could sum the day up with this little gem!!

There was a blinding flash of light and 5 year old Emily rushed into the house shouting: Mummy, mummy, God has just taken my picture!

Just been called in for another day tomorrow so will take my camera!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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