Is It That Time Already?

After an early morning shop I thought I would follow Damnonii's lead and do a quick project. I knew 5 minutes would be completely impractical at the lathe so I set myself a target of 15 minutes. Unfortunately the bit of wood I stuck on the lathe decided to leave it without permission a couple of times and getting a good tight fit on the top without leaving marks from the chuck jaws took a wee bit longer than I hoped for so it took me just under 30 minutes from choosing the chunk of wood to sanding. A picture of it is the extras box.

Must do better.

The clock on the church was reading about 5 minutes ahead of the one in the car and it was 11.15 when I walked into the bar of the hotel where I have one of my meal drops. I was really surprised to see half a dozen people sitting together (no social distancing) drinking (I am so far out of the loop I had no idea that the pubs opened today).  I was very pleased when I was told to just leave the meal on the end of the bar rather than taking it up to the room as that would have meant walking through the bar....... and back again.

There was a Post Office van stopped outside the house this afternoon and since I was waiting for the new control box for my small lathe I went to the door. I arrived there just as the postie was about to put a 'Sorry you were not in' card through the letterbox. He jumped back in surprise when I opened the door and pointed at the parcel on the step and said 'I'll just leave that there'. I don't know if he was intending on leaving it on the doorstep in full view of everyone or if he was going to take it back to the depot. Whichever it was he had absolutely no intention of ringing the bell or knocking on the door - and he obviously had the card already written and is a lazy, awkward sod.

The control box is now on the lathe and it is working just fine.

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