A Happy Day?

Maybe for some.

PD was dropped off (along with his food and medication) for his weeks sojourn while his owners are on holiday.
A short time later I went and collected said owners (and a mother) and took them to the airport while SWMBO walked PD.
At least the haar kept it cool - unlike at lunchtime when the sun was out.

Jay was not well this morning - not eating and not purring …….. both unheard of.
So we phoned the vet and 20 minutes later he had been admitted with kidney stones. Poor chap.
He will be in for a few days ………. and the insurance is coming into its own - £400 to £600  ……….. WOW!.

This chap was a lot happier than these chaps. Somebody had obviously dug down to their bike and done their best to destroy it.
Mind you, they were probably happier than this ex-guy.

I had fun this afternoon cutting about 30 bits of wood as candle holders for a forthcoming wedding ……. and then digging out some weeds.
God, that was all hot and sweaty work.

Hopefully it will have cooled down a bit by the time I have to take PD out again.

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