Even Closer to the Hoy Hills

Day 4 of the project to reroof the Hoy bolt hole.

We had to bump start the dumper. The Tea Hut was decorated with some very sensitive bunting.

There have been three Post Offices in Hoy. The original was around the back of the manse, strangely enough in the Glebe! It then moved up the Millbrae to Burnside Cottage, then down to Garson about 36 years ago. For thorough information please consult the well-received Farriday Project written by Magnus MacKay. By the way we pulled down, and burned, the last one yesterday. We never realised so much reek would be generated by penny blacks. Potentially this is only of interest to Mr M who is cosseted in Campbelltown.

Ziberoonie is on edge as the Current Mrs Creel is coming for a site inspection on Tuesday.

As we sawed and drilled timber, undeterred the adult wrens popped in and out of the shed to their nest.

Across on Hoy 4G is unknown. You are therefore all lucky I cannot give the usual derisory comments on your Blips. Until I can, I have to advise Stuart DB that the Nurse will be in touch about your swelling.

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