Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A "So-So" Tuesday!

The flowers of Brugsmansia "Hetty Krause" tree are quickly dying; actually they are shriveling, wilting, and just about to wrinkle into nothingness. So even though I included them on my page three days ago, I thought they were worthy of displaying again.

Pointing a camera at these sweet little delicates this morning was one of the better parts of my day. Middle afternoon I drove to the campus to accomplish a few tasks and then headed back home fairly promptly feeling proud of myself that I did not have to stop at the grocery store, since I had just been there yesterday, and the grocery store is always, and I do mean always, a much more expensive adventure than I plan for.

So once home I immediately started into the task of preparing meatloaf for this evening's dinner. I had chopped a mound of celery, enough onions to have a good cry, cracked two eggs into the mixing bowl when I realized I had no oatmeal to dump into the mixture and no little pre-packaged "meatloaf" seasoning mix. Sheeeeeeesh! I was sure we had a box or is that a cylinder of Quaker Oats and how in the world could I not have the little package of seasoning mix (probably because last month I took a couple with us to the Central Coast).

So I penned a quick note to Mr. Fun who had not yet home from work, but possilby could arrive while I was gone. I reported on the note that I would be gone for a nano-second and that I would purchase steak for tonight and the meatloaf meal would be postponed till tomorrow evening. So while I was in the grocery store Mr. Fun phoned me. I explained my dilemma and that I was earning a "F" in meal preparation and planning. He said he'd be leaving the office momentarily to head for home.

Once we both got home, I mixed all the meatloaf ingredients together and now have two meatloaves to bake tomorrow and then I'll freeze one to serve the following week. I confessed to Mr. Fun that I used to be good at this meal planning, meal preparing, food budgeting part of life, but my time at doing those things has expired. His response was a simple, "We just need to go out for dinner every night." Obviously, he's not a bit bothered by my loss of housewife expertise. Hopefully I'll be able to report tomorrow that the meatloaf was delicious. So stay tuned!

Good night from a rather cold and dreary Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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