Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Football's Heart

Today the heart of this nation, the USofA, was given to football. Super Bowl Sunday is what it's called.

So I stopped in the local bookstore immediately after church, found something delightful and yummy, not to eat but to read; actually two somethings, but more about those later. In the bookstore, in the sports section, I put my little red pocket heart on the shelf next to this book about football. I explained to little red that today hearts will not be the focus. The heart said to me in a soft pleading tone, "But it's February!"

"I know; I know!" I said to the little red pocket heart, but it is just one day and you get at least half a month.

Before the heart had time to whine anymore or worse to cry a little, I put it in my pocket and made my getaway. It was just in the nick of time as the bookstore clerk strolled past me and noticed my camera.

So there's no Ted Kooser Valentine poem on this page today, but the past couple days contain a poem. Until tomorrow, that will have to suffice.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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