Catch of the day

Make that the only catch all morning.

BIG to see the salmon

It was a lesson in skill and patience watching this fly fisherman walk/play his salmon firstly up river (we wondered if he'd end up at the state highway 1 bridge ;-) then back down. Another experienced fisherman offered to 'tail' the salmon to land it. This was all new to me (blimey, hooking a salmon at any river mouth would be new to me!).

The picture tells the story. With the tired salmon at the water's edge and plenty of tension on the line the salmon was slid out of the water until it was high and dry. I was so pleased and told him so. Later when I mentioned I'm yet to catch a sea run salmon entering a river he told me it's a well known fact you hook 4 before you land your first.

With that in mind it looks like I should stock up on farmed salmon or cans ;-) I was pleased to be back home early afternoon and took my bugs off for a long nana-nap.

Now to find the can opener for that can of salmon for dinner....

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