Morning ride (Day 1892)

After the morning woofer wander I chucked a load of tools and gubbins in the back of the truck and headed for Stromness, following in the tracks of  my beautiful wife who had zoomed through ahead of drop the dogs at Mum and Dad's.
I met up with HV and Mum at the horse field and we all got out for a ride together, managing to dodge all but one of the showers which swept past on a strong breeze. George was full of beans today and we had a couple of canters which turned into gallops. Great fun.
Back at the field, and with the horses sorted out after the ride, I left HV to do stuff in the field while I took the truck up to the yard to do a bit of tinkering. I have been struggling to sort out a fuelling problem for a while now - it seems to be sucking air in somewhere. I have changed the fuel filter housing, and all of the fuel lines back to the tank, but the problem has persisted. Today it was change the pipes in the top of the tank which suck the fuel out, which meant wriggling under the truck and unbolting the tank. It took me a fair while, but I got it all back together with no left over bits. Time will tell if the problem is sorted, but so far it has been ok.
A brief stop off at Mum and Dad's to collect the dogs on the way home rounded off a good day.

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