I'm sorry but I couldn't think of a snappy title for this little chap.
You will now be getting to recognise the bird table made from the slowly decomposing floor of a bee-hive many years ago. Beekeepers don't often use solid floors like this any more, the preference is for open mesh floors made out of what is effectively fine wire netting, a subject I'll return to in the Spring when I make some for my new hives. This was shot with a bit of digital zoom over and above the X15 optical zoom and, unfortunately, showed some fringing; I reduced it as much as I could so you can now see where I worked on it rather than the fringe itself; perhaps there's some technique of which I am unaware or, maybe, I need to just improve the technique that I do have.
Took Merlin out for a walk today by himself as Meg was indisposed, the intention was to snap a banker blip that I'm saving for a rainy day; I take pictures of it when-ever I pass just in case I need one, then bin them as soon as I realise that I have something more relevant to post and, what could be more relevant than pushing the limits of the camera? Anyway, Merlin was in a huff and was buggered if he was leaving the warmth of the car for a walk in the cold and damp.
p.s. I now see better ways to remove the fringing but have run out of time to do it.
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