Next Door's Yard

is twice the size of ours as they don't have an extension. Buddleia from his neighbour the other side has spread to his yard and now hangs over our fence! The brown twigs are some from the other side of his yard that he removed. I'm glad he left this bit. I hope its flowers last until the weather improves so that it can attract some bee and butterfly visitors!

I went to my Mum and Dad's today and they are OK still. I did some shopping for them and a few house jobs.

I have noticed work being done on the chip shop I used to work in. The intended sale fell through, but it looks like it will be back in business soon. Whenever I go out I get asked by customers  when it will be open again. I'm sure they will be happy to see activity in the place. I don't recognise the people who are working on it, and I don't think it will be as big a transformation as the previously intended buyer had in mind. But whatever they are doing should be an improvement.

Man Utd are on TV now so I will go do some E mails and Blip commenting and watch the game!  

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