Red Squirrel


Oh No, Not Again ....

Here are some bigger flakes.

The last few days have been mostly clear, mostly sunny and out of the strong cold winds have felt almost spring like. Today started the same way. But as I left work tonight and started to approach the glass front doors I thought I could see snow falling. I hoped it was my eyes playing tricks - no such luck!
As I emerged there were huge, fluffy flakes, cascading down heavily. By the time I reached my car the oblique, really strong, very cold winds had caused the snow to totally cover the top and one side of my car with over an inch. A major clear-down job entailed.
Luckily by halfway home the snow had changed to fine, wet stuff so at least the roads remained OK. Hopefully that's the last of it.
Today's blip is the sight as I climbed down the covered steps to get to the front of County Hall where I park.

Strangely a friend and I had been chatting on Sunday night and commented we hoped we'd seen the back of the darned stuff. Grrrr ....

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