round three. the half way point. it’s all back to where it usually is in the hospital now but it’s my first time in the rotunda chemo ward. it’s brighter, a bit more spacious and not as hot. no temperature taking in the car park anymore but this photo was taken as I waited to get my temp taken in the corridor. everyone was issued with a face mask too so I had to take my own one off. I was ok and did two mindfulness sessions. struggled to eat my sandwich. as I counted down the minutes of my meds going in my arm got sorer and sorer, so I was glad to get out of there and home.
had a wee cry to to daisy when I got home - just the exhaustion of keeping my heid in check and getting the infusion done all coming out. daisy appreciates the benefits of a wee cry. hoping the anti-sickness meds are better...

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