this was from the other day when daisy was helping in the garden, I forgot to take a pic today. I had a quick nearme meeting with margaret in the morning - trying new anti sickness meds this time so fingers crossed. then off to the nurse to give some blood. the nurse was asking all about my ordeal and I didn’t really appreciate some of her responses but some folk just don’t know when to stop saying the wrong things. anyway, we popped in to see mum and dad which always makes me feel better. I don’t feel as anxious this time, at least no panicking which is good. peggy was delighted as she got to have two pals over for a visit in the workshop. we watched them tictoking away, I think they were awkward at first but were fine after that. g and eve popped round for a news and I had a migraine. ok, must be a wee but stressed.
we watched succession again.

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