Rear Window and The Birds....
A day of various things. Once I’d been round the cattle , dug the power harrow out its parking spot in the nettles and made a start on the ploughing in the field we are going to sow with fodder rape/ stubble turnips. It’s a slow go as it’s got a steep brace face until you get to the flat at the top. Littlemiss was riding shotgun as usual. After lunch , gave her a shot of driving for a while.
Had to come home mid afternoon and go and pick Junior up from his pal’s at the west of Edinburgh, just in time to join the traffic queues at the by pass/ Mayberry /Barnton junctions. The joys.
Back home and back to the power harrow. We worked away until 9 pm but it has now clouded over and started to rain . Bugger.
We weren’t short of feathered company any way. Lots of gulls, crows and a pair of oyster catchers. Noticed some of the black headed gulls had leg rings on. It would be interesting to know where they came from and what age they were, but short of finding a dead one and contacting who ever is on the ring, will never know .
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