
Seacliff beach was incredibly busy this afternoon, with families, dogwalkers, surfers and paddleboarders - I must have counted almost 50 people scattered over the 500 metres of space the beach enjoys... usually one might see one or two other people!

So we thoroughly enjoyed the ambience, the rockpools, the views of Tantallon and the Bass Rock, the terns diving for fish (extra photo, look on the right), the incoming tide bringing such large waves to the shore, splashing against the rocks under a blue sky of soft fluffy clouds.

But it was just a little marred by our finding this broken fishing line abandoned among the seaweed, complete with their five hooks and iridescent lures, a danger to the children paying nearby or tempting to the unwary bird to become wounded or entangled in the filament. I brought it home and must now decide how best to dispose of it.

And it was good to find the cafe at Tyninghame open, with social distancing and record of contacts, and their usual delicious coffee and scones.

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