
Another early start for MrRoly, I’m getting into it a bit now I’m not really . Walked Smallest to school, 8 more to do and then 16 years of taking children to school will be done!!!

Home to laundry, tidying and a bit of work. Not quite as productive as yesterday but I did manage to negotiate our mortgage repayments down by £150 per month. It does mean we will no longer repay early but 18 years is a long time and we need to cut expenditure now!!

This afternoon was meant to be a Zoom meeting with a client, only they forgot. Good to have a good catch up with Mike though. I definitely made the right choice in joining forces with him.

While tea was being cooked by Princess I applied for a part time temp job with Tesco. 2 night shifts a week - would be great if I get it as it will supplement MrRoly’s Morrison’s hours. Fingers crossed they’ll have me.

This evening we walked down into town, primarily to get money for the plumber tomorrow. One of our favourite pubs had reopened so we thought it rude not to celebrate with a pint. Just the one though - times are hard and MrRoly has to be up at 4 for a 5am start ;-)

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