Pob peiriannau'n rhedeg
Pob peiriannau'n rhedeg ~ All engines running
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Rydw i wedi bod yn rhedeg dau ddiwrnod allan o dri am chwech neu saith cilomedr pob tro. Heddiw rydw i wedi penderfynu i redeg pellteroedd hirach yn llai aml - mwy fel deg neu un deg un cilomedr un diwrnod allan o dri. Rydw i'n hoffi rhedeg ond rydw i'm meddwl bydd y trefniant newydd yn cynnig mwy o amser rhydd, ar gyfartaledd, ar gyfer yr un lefel o ymarfer corff. Felly heddiw rhedais i un deg dau gilomedr. Mae'n dda iawn i fod allan i redeg yn y cefn gwlad wrth yr afon..
Roedden ni wedi cael apwyntiadau diddorol heddiw. Roedd rhaid i ni fynd i'r Rhath i helpu Richard a Steph yn cychwyn eu car ar ôl pedwar mis yn segur. Roedd e'n lletchwith ond roedden ni'n yn llwyddiannus. Gwnaethon ni gadw draw oddi wrth ein gilydd ac o geblau byw
Ar ôl helpu Richard a Steph aethon ni i siop am y tro cyntaf ers bron pedwar mis. Roedd rhaid i ni gasglu gwe-gam yn Argos yn Sainsbury's ac roeddwn ni gwneud tipyn bach o siopa pan roedden ni yna. Roedd e'n rhyfedd i fod mewn siop ar ôl amser hir. Roeddwn i wedi disgwyl i fwy o bobl fod yn gwisgo masgiau ac yn cadw eu pellter. Yn ffodus doedd dim llawer o bobol yn y siop, felly roedd e'n hawdd cadw draw oddi wrth bobl. Fydden ni ddim am fynd yno ar ddydd Sadwrn.
Felly, nawr mae gwe-gam gyda ni. Gobeithio y gallwn ni ei gael yn rhedeg...
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I've been running two days out of three for six or seven kilometers every time. Today I've decided to run longer distances less often - more like ten or eleven kilometers one day out of three. I like running but I think the new arrangement will offer more free time, on average, for the same level of exercise. So today I ran twelve kilometers. It's really good to be out and about running in the countryside by the river.
We had some interesting appointments today. We had to go to Roath to help Richard and Steph start their car after four months idle. It was awkward but we were successful. We kept away from each other and from live cables.
After helping Richard and Steph we went to a shop for the first time in almost four months. We had to pick up a web cam at Argos at Sainsbury's and we did a bit of shopping when we were there. It was strange to be in a shop after a long time. I had expected more people to be wearing masks and keeping their distance. Fortunately there weren't many people in the shop, so it was easy to stay away from people. We wouldn't want to go there on a Saturday.
So now we have a web cam. Hopefully we can get it running ...
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