Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The first

I couldn't wait any longer, had to open a pea pod today. They need to fatten up a bit more, but so sweet, I'll try to hold off a little longer! Silly me for trying them too soon, so this can be an entry for Silly Saturday!! The courgettes are all three flowering just now, so that's good and the runner beans are starting to show their lovely red flowers too.
I was delighted when I woke up this morning to see sunshine so I headed out for a walk just after nine. Three miles later when I got home it was still sunny, but it clouded over soon after, so I was very glad I'd gone when I did.
It's rained off and on for most of the day, so I've felt very disinclined to do anything. I've finished my book, stressed another and eaten cherries. That's about it really.
I've labelled the jars of blackcurrant jelly which I made yesterday, it tastes delicious. We're having salad for tea, so that's minimal effort as are the strawberries and raspberries which will follow.
Vera this evening, onto the last series now, so almost up to date.

Keep safe everybody, hope you haven't had crowds where you are. Rather a worrying trend.

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