The bubble

By Phini

Note to self

Do not pop to make a cup of tea in corrie breaks.

Since we have been told (last week) the fireplace was not original, husband has been itching to get his paws on it. To be fair he's made an amazing job of the kitchen one but I am NOT looking forward to sitting in this mess for what will probably be weeks. It's very cold drafty and dusty and I'm the one that gets to sit in it all day - still there is light at the end of the tunnel and in two or three months we will have our dream fireplace and warmth woohooo. Then I'm sure it will be time to sand the floor boooooo refurbishments never end. The money pit strikes again. There's me moaning when actually I never sit in that room until the evening anyway I have too much to do and it's blinkin freezing in there oh and not forgetting the nutter who works next door who likes to stare at me and intimidate me whilst passing the window. Most times it works unless its a pmt moment then I don't feel upset at all. Funny she never does it when husbands home.

I have spent three quarters of the day in bed today. My back is making me feel sick to the pit of my stomach. I could not go to riding for disabled today. It's my own stupid fault for dancing. When will this stupid pain end. There's so many different aches and pains I can't actually isolate the specific pain that's making me want to throw up. I'm feeling very very sorry for myself I have so much to do or rather WANT to do. Starting to feel a bit worried and scared to be honest. Obviously I am vastly improved as I can walk and dress myself (socks n trousers still a struggle) and I am restricted in what clothing and shoes I can wear. I just think there is more to it than I realise. I can't even do exercises as I don't know exactly what I have done so I don't know if I do stretches if I will make it worse.

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