Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Woodland Flowers - Few-flowered Leek Allium parado

A cold and breezy day. Only a short walk after work as it is raining, and the grocery delivery is coming tonight (hoping for not too many substitutes). the woods smell of wild garlic, however, I'm sure these flowers are not wild garlic, that would be Ransoms. However, these flowers have taken over the woodland floor, and the garlic smell is very strong in the damp cold air.

Addendum. After much researching I found out these are Few-flowered Leek Allium paradoxum. A plant introduced to Central Scotland, and now grows in most woodlands here.

Wimped out of an after work ride, even though it's a Friday. The wet roads throw up too much spray. An after work ride is fine though.

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