Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Wood in Spring Sunshine

A cool and breezy day but sunny. Work is a bit less busy today. At lunchtime I head up to a different part of the local park. Although Spring, the leaves haven't yet emerged, and the pale sunlight passes through the trees. A quiet afternoon.
After work I try a different route and head out to Balerno via Colinton. The A70 is a bit bumpy, but I am hoping the ride back with the wind behind me is worth is. However, the road around Balerno clockwise is too bumpy to be enjoyable. I need to plan a different route here if it is to be a workable after work ride. However, despite the lockdown, there is still a lot of traffic on the A70. I head back via the Water of Leith and Bonaly.

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