Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


No rain today! Robert came to take Archie out, which was great. I did my bike, and a couple of video workouts (not really strenuous ones, mind). My diet is going OK. No more biscuits in the house. No magnums in the freezer. And no snacking between meals. I think I may have lost a few grams.

JR couldn’t wait to go down town now that the non-essential shops are open here. (Extra) She had something to return to a shop, and so she got out of her usual (expensive, trendy) gym/leisure wear, dressed up, and declared she was ‘Going to town’ - something she hasn’t been able to do for a Very Long Time. But it turned out her shop was the only one NOT OPEN! She didn’t go into any other shop. Except to a chemist to get a plaster for her heel - her new(ish) shoes were rubbing.

In the afternoon we took a stroll round the Links, though there were ominous big dark clouds, so we didn’t go far. Lots of folk sitting around, with many big groups of young folk. (JR loves the slimming, lengthening effect of the wide angle lens...)

Four new Covid deaths in Scotland today. Will our First Minister impose quarantine on our English neighbours, as they are forced to extend the lockdown in Leicester to cope with a spike in numbers?

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