Today's Crew

This morning Asha and I headed off to collect her school friend Janat. She came and played all day which was lovely - very lovely was her mom making us all a chocolate and almond cake!!! They painted, played, made bracelets, made hamma beads etc etc...went for a juice at Nude, more playing, more painting...they were worn out come 6pm!
I set up Asha's earrings facebook page today! Sooo much lovely support for her and her venture! She's selling her pieces and giving all the money (minus the cost for materials) towards the work with the homeless. She was particularly delighted when the local newspaper shared the page with a lovely little write up about it and her. Her page is 'Asha Originals' if you want to take a look!
Today was also (big day!) Nate's first day wearing pants and not a nappy - several accidents, but he'll get there. He's got the quandary that he's loving pants but not loving the toilet...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha and Janat's friendship.
2) People being so kind in their support of Asha and her 'business'.
3) A lovely time sat with Janat's mom when we dropped her home this evening. 

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